About EVBN

Who we are

The EU-Vietnam Business Network (EVBN) is a project co-funded by the European Union and established in 2014.
The overall objective of EU-Vietnam Business Network (EVBN) is to increase exports and investments of the European Union (EU) to Vietnam in particular by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) as well as strengthening the EU Business sector in Vietnam by facilitating market access. The EVBN will strengthen the EU business sector by facilitating market access in Vietnam by advocating and engaging primarily with the Government of Vietnam, the Vietnamese business sector and other stakeholders. EVBN will promote Vietnam as a high-potential trade and investment market to assure that EU companies, in particular SMEs, are better able to exploit the growing opportunities in Vietnam and Vietnam as a gateway to the SEA regional market. EVBN seeks to contribute to a more coherent and effective EU strategy for supporting European businesses, specifically SMEs with their endeavor in and to Vietnam. ASEAN in general and Vietnam in particular are considered to offer significant potential for European businesses. Trade statistics of 2013 underline that the EU has become the major exporting market for Vietnam (21.3 billion EUR) whereas exports from the EU to Vietnam only amounted to 5.8 billion EUR in 2013 underlining the rational for establishing the EVBN.